Stinking Bishop

Posted at 6:36 AM

Cheese was born 4000 years ago. That means the ancient Egyptians had cheese, too. They also probably ate cheese from the titties of buffalo, reindeer, camels, and yaks.

This is the image of a Stinking Bishop. Love the name.

  • hard vegetarian cheese from Gloucestershire
  • created by Charles Martell from cow milk
  • washed and rubbed with perry, an alcoholic drink made with a local variety of pear called the "Stinking Bishop"
  • meaty flavour
  • fat content up to 48%
  • affinage takes from 6 - 8 weeks
FYI: Affinage is the most crucial step in cheese making and involves the aging process. Approximately 50% of the flavours in a cheese can be attributed to the affinage. The cheese is often aged in a cave. Affinage is a skill that takes years to perfect. The cheese can either be brushed, washed, or rotated on wheels. Marcel Petite, (translation: little morsel??) ages his wheels of Comte cheese in an old fortress for up to 12 months.