The Project(s)

Posted at 2:30 AM

While I wait for a suitable evil house creation to come knocking, I've decided to create a project for myself first. I really want an evil house now. It's a drug, an anti-depressant, a diving into a swamp kind of freedom. If I subject myself to those kinds of sentiments, however, I will not become successful, so they say. That is why I need to do something responsible. The thing with me is that I can't do anything responsible without adding some fun into it.

1) I have started with a travel + movie scrapbook. I paste travel brochures and ticket stubs in it.
2) I am going to create a photo compilation of the modern attitudes of young people depicted in their fashion and style. The photography should not be done by me.
3) I am going to film a short featuring myself and some friends doing stuff. Adventure stuff. Running, laughing, drinking non-alcoholic beverages, dancing, sunlight chasing, talking, staring.
4) I am going to run a 5K marathon for a good cause, not for the prize. Also because I don't think I have a chance at winning anything.
5) I am going to master a Chopin piece. Preferably Piano Concerto No. 2 Op. 21 II Movement Larghetto. If something else practice-able comes along, then fine. I'm flexible. And lazy.
6) I have shown people my prose work and drawings.
7) I am going to master fluency in French. Maybe Russian too. Depends on how hot the Russian and French boys are.
8) I am going to savour the best Thai food in town, ON MY OWN. Once Malaysia actually has good Thai food. Maybe with a friend or some friends.
9) I am going to travel to wherever I want to at the moment I decide to travel. ON MY OWN. Hmm maybe a few friends??
10) I am GOING TO buy my own flat/apartment/penthouse/suite or something resembling a bachelor pad so I can put up all my sh*t on le walls and make a psychedelic world out of it.

Notice how I keep using the words "I am going to..", because I know if I say "I want to..", it is never going to happen on this giant spherical rock.